10 Reasons Why I Have Home Insurance

1 month ago I wrote about “Why I had Renter’s Insurance.” Now that I own my home I feel it is just as important to share with you why I have home insurance:

welcome, home sweet home, home insurance

  1. The Security of knowing our home and belongings are protected.
  2. So I can sleep at night and not worry about the what ifs.
  3. We have a pool. Having a pool comes along with risks but our home insurance and umbrella insurance gives us peace of mind that we are protected whether we are home or away.
  4. If our home is destroyed in a fire we will lose a lot but at least with insurance we can get some of it back.
  5. My husband is an insurance agent and has helped me understand the value of home insurance.
  6. Our mortgage company requires that we have homeowners insurance.
  7. If our sump pump backs up into our basement and there is damage we don’t have to worry because we have an endorsement on our home insurance policy to help cover the cost of damages.
  8. If our home has to be rebuilt after a covered loss we don’t have to worry about additional living expenses for temporary housing because our insurance will pay for that too.
  9. We get a multi-policy discount! And a discount on our auto insurance.
  10. Did you know 1 in 4 people have been a victim of identity theft? That is scary and can be very expensive. But, it makes me feel a lot better knowing I have some coverage that will help restore my identity.
identity theft, fraud, credit card

You need to know that these things may or may not be covered by your home insurance because every policy is unique. If you are wondering if your home insurance covers some or all of these things call Michigan Insurance Group. 616-755-3000 | 231-755-3000 

Written by Karlee Miller
Creative Administrator


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