Keep Motorcyclists Safe

motorcycle lights, motorcycle headlight, motorcyclist safety

I stepped out on my front porch this morning and saw the very tips of a leafy daffodil peeking out from the cold frosty ground. How exciting!? That’s a true sign that Spring is only 11 days away. Another sign of Spring is motorcycles, which I have also seen a few of, testing out their ride for the first time this year. I think it's perfect time to mention a few tips that will help keep motorcyclists safe this year:

1. Give motorcycles plenty of room. Stay back and steer clear. Even with a helmet and proper riding gear a motorcyclist has far less protection than you. Give motorcycle riders a lot of room on the roads.

motorcycle safety, watch for motorcycles,

2. Look Twice, Save a Life. We've heard the saying before but do we follow it? Check your blind spot and check it again. Motorcycles are smaller than majority of the vehicles on the road so it is easier for them to be hidden in your blind spot. Always check your rear-view mirrors and blind spots when changing lanes.

3. Be aware. Being aware of your surroundings can make a difference. This means putting down you cell phone, food and drinks and watching the road. Pay attention to merging traffic. 

4. Use your headlights. The best time to make sure your headlights are on to help see motorcyclists better is at dusk and dawn.

5. Be more aware when it's foggy. If you're making a commute in the fog leave extra time so you are not rushing to your destination. Motorcycles can hide in fog better than vehicles.

Motorcyclists are someone's father, mother or sister or brother. Not only are they you're family but they are your butcher, your local mechanic, your boss, your co-worker. Let's all do our part to make roads safer for motorcycle riders.

Written by Karlee Miller
Creative Administrator


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