Why Make a Home Inventory?

What would you do if you didn’t have insurance and a fire destroyed your home, along with everything inside? What would you do if you didn’t have insurance and your car was a complete loss after an accident?  One of the ways to be prepared for disaster is to create a home inventory. Here are four reasons why you should make a home inventory:

1. Insurance purposes. The most obvious reason to create a home inventory is for insurance. When it comes time to file a claim for your possessions your home inventory will aid in the processes. 

home inventory, possessions, home insurance, value, your stuff

2. Save time. Submitting your home inventory to your insurance agent will be a much quicker task than recalling your family’s possessions.

3. Value. A well-organized and detailed home inventory can prove the value of your possessions. This will also help determine how much insurance you should have. Should you increase your current insurance policy?

possessions, liability, home inventory, home insurance

4. Peace of Mind. After experiencing a terrible loss, such as a burglary, fire or flood it will be difficult to recall everything in your kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, closets, etc. Create a home inventory with photos and videos so you don’t have to worry about trying to recall what you lost during an emotional time. 

If you visit Michigan Insurance Group’s website you’ll find one of the reason we are in the business of offering Michigan residents insurance options is because of the unexpected things. Our website says, “We cannot promise that misfortunes won’t happen but we can promise that if something does happen we will be here for you.” One of the ways we are here for you is to educate you and hopefully help you be better prepared just in case misfortune comes knocking at your door.

Written by Karlee Miller
Creative Administrator


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