What Information Do I Need to Get Renter’s Insurance?

If you rent an apartment, condo or house your landlord or condo association will have insurance. Many times, tenants will assume they are also insured if they experience a loss. We’re here to tell you this is not the case. In fact, it is the complete opposite. The insurance that the landlord or association has insures them, their property and liability. It does not insure you or any of your possessions. That’s where Renter’s insurance comes in handy.

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For approximately $35-$50 a month renter’s insurance could help replace your belongings if they are lost or stolen, cover costs of damages and more. Check out our blog to find more real reasons to have renter’sinsurance.

Renter’s insurance doesn’t just cover your belongings. It also comes with Liability coverage, which protects you in case you or a family member are sued for causing property damage or injury to someone else.

If you’re interested in getting renter’s insurance, but you’re not sure where to begin, here is a list of information you can bet an insurance agent will ask for:
  1. Your first & last name
  2. Address
  3. Contact info including phone number and email address
  4. Date of birth
  5. Social Security number
  6. Occupation and education
  7. Current insurance
  8. Claim history, if any
  9. Roommates & additional applicants
  10. Number of apartments in your building
  11. Amount of coverage for your stuff

All though it seems like a lot of information we recommend you answer as much as you can because these questions will help the agents give you the best coverage for you and your belongings. Some of these questions could even help save you money.

If you have more questions about insurance for your apartment, condo our house let us know. 

Karlee Miller
Creative Administrator
Christina Jarvis
Customer Service Rep.


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