Thanksgiving Safety

The festivities that come with the holidays are an exciting time. We’d rather you spend your time with family then dealing with an insurance claim. Here are some tips to keep you and your family safe at this year’s Thanksgiving feast.

thanksgiving dinner, feast, holiday

Cooking Safety

Don’t walk away from the stove.
All though guests will be arriving, and conversations will be in full swing, don’t walk away from the stove. Most cooking fires occur because of unattended cooking.

Oven fire? Close the oven.
If a fire sparks in your oven, close the oven door to contain the fire and turn it off while you call the Fire Department.

stove, oven, cooking, cooking fires

Traveling Safety

Secure items in your car.
Whether transporting food, drinks, games, pets or luggage make sure all items are secured so that if you must stop quickly they won’t become a flying hazard inside your car.

Check the weather and the time.
Make sure to leave yourself plenty of time to arrive at your destination safely. Michigan weather can be unpredictable, but this shouldn’t stop you from being prepared.

drive, holiday driving, driving tips

Away from home safety

Don’t broadcast that you are away from home.
Have someone check your mail so that it doesn’t look like you haven’t been home in a while. Don’t post on social media that you will be gone. If you are going to be gone for more than a couple days have someone you trust move your car if it is parked in the driveway.

Put away ladders
If you’ve recently cleaned out the gutters and have yet to store your ladder put it away before you leave. A ladder is easy access for a burglar to enter your home through a window or could be used to scale a fence.

All of us at Michigan Insurance Group hope you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Karlee Miller
Creative Administrator
Christina Jarvis
Customer Service Rep.


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