5 Benefits of Keeping Your Car Clean

Keeping your car clean has many benefits. We’ve pooled together 5 of our favorites for you, all of which will make for a very happy car and a very happy you.

1. Lower Repair & Maintenance costs – Routine maintenance such as new oil and oil filter, transmission fluid, etc. can lower cost of repairs plus your vehicle will run smoother.
windshield, drive, car, auto

2. A clean vehicle is a safer vehicle – Clean windshield, windows and mirrors will improve your visibility and be less distracting. With all the distractions we face while on the road don’t let bug guts, bird poop or dirt cloud your view.

A clean vehicle is also very important during Winter months. When you clean all the snow off your vehicle it helps reduce blind spots. It is also keeps snow from flying onto other vehicles on the road.

car wash, clean car, wash, auto,

Our Licensed Insurance Agent, Ryan Miller, highly recommends frequent visits to a car wash during winter months to remove salt, dust and sand that can rust the under-body and dull the paint on your car.

3. Longer vehicle life – Dust and mud can mask corrosion of metals and other parts. Once you drive through a car wash your car will be shiny and clean, you will be able to see flaws easier. You can do preventative maintenance to keep any possible corrosion from getting worse. A cleaner vehicle operates better and looks better too.

4. Save Gas – Don’t forget about the inside of your car. Hauling around extra things in your trunk or backseat: sports equipment, gym equipment, tools, etc. can add weight to your vehicle, which burns more gas. You’ll save a bit of gas and money, plus you’ll be proud of a nice, tidy vehicle.

5. Stress free – Your car says a lot about who you are. A clean and tidy car will be a positive reflection of you. Plus, it always feels nice sitting behind the wheel of a clean car!

Written by Karlee Miller
Creative Administrator

There's also benefits to cleaning up your car insurance. Ask Michigan Insurance Group about a car insurance review today. 616-755-3000 or 231-755-3000


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