Businesses Need to Progress Not Just Change

I am not a big fan of New Years’ resolutions, especially for business purposes. If you want to make a change, be resolved to make it today. If the change is worth making, it is worth making now. I have heard that over 90% of resolutions are broken before January 15. I am not certain if that is accurate, but it is alarming enough to support the idea that New Years’ resolutions don’t work.

Change in your business is inevitable. If you do nothing, your business will still change. If you make adjustments to your daily routines, your business will change. The real question is, will your business progress? Will it actually get better? Are the changes you make improving your chances for success in the upcoming year? The last few weeks of the year is a busy time, it is often difficult to devote the few hours you need to create a plan for the New Year. Yet, it is important for you to make the time and think about your business and make a plan on how to improve. Once it is created, it is critical to take action on the plan.

The first part of building a plan is an easy one. You need to think. As business owners, we spend countless hours thinking about our operations, what we could do better, what we should change, what we want our business to become. It is now time to think on your past year and then think of goals you want to set to improve your business in the upcoming year. The goals can be broad, such as increase sales, create an online presence, or engage in social media.

These goals will be the foundation on which you can build your plan. The goals should be broken out into 3 to 5 action items that are put in writing. Each action item should be separated into two categories, a one-time action or a daily success ritual, things that that you do every day to improve your business, health, relationships or anything else that you want to focus on in 2015. An example of a one-time action could be setting up a business Facebook page, and an example of a daily success ritual could be posting to the new business Facebook page every day.

The most important daily success ritual will be to read your plan at least once a day. This is an important step to create the thoughts that will help modify the behavior. Even on the weekend or on days off, you must take a few minutes to read your goals. If it takes more than a few minutes, you might want to reevaluate the real limits that each of us face while running a business. Think big, dream big, but don’t set yourself up for failure by dreaming the impossible.

The daily success rituals become the plan in action. Done daily it will take about a month before it start to be routine and after three months they should be ingrained habits that are entered in to your daily activities and used to grow and improve your business.

Think. Plan. Progress. Focusing on your daily success rituals will help you move away from inevitable change and move toward true progress.

President & CEO of Michigan Insurance Group


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